Friday, June 8, 2012

Emma's Baptism and Netherlands Week

This has been our busiest week yet!  Emma was being baptized, so we had out of town guests.  My Aunt Carla and Uncle Robert from Holland (Emma's new Godparents!) and Tschomana (Emma and Eva's grandmother from Germany) all came to visit.  We decided this would be a good week to do "The Netherlands Week".  Of course, we were busy with lots of other stuff, but we still got to do some learning about that special country. 
Auntie Carla and Uncle Robert brought this cool book so that Eva could learn some useful Dutch Words!  Uncle Robert read it to her the first night he was here, and somehow he got roped in to reading many more stories as well!

These are biscuits with pink and white Muisjes that Carla and Robert served at the Baptism "Apero".  They are traditionally served at baptisms in Holland, pink for girls and blue for boys!  I feel bad that I don't have other photos of all the wonderful food Carla and Robert prepared for us, because we were busy entertaining!

Here is a windmill that Eva made with the whole family.  The little tulip stickers were a present from Carla and Robert and fit to the theme perfectly!

Here are Eva and Robert making traditional Dutch Appelflappen.  They were delicious!
The completed Appelflappen

Here is Uncle Robert with a delicious Dutch meal: Hutspot with sausage, red cabbage and appelflappen.  

The bapstism went very nicely, and we had many guests come to celebrate with us.  We were so glad that Emma and Eva behaved so nicely.  Eva was very pleased because she got to bring her own baptism candle to be lit during the ceremony.  Speaking of baptism candles, Carla and Robert made a lovely one for Emma.  Daniel wanted to bring his, but sadly it burned down to the end during our wedding!
Emma and Eva's candles side by side.
 And now some baptism photos featuring the top of Emma's head!

Godparents Carla and Robert
With the one and only Tschomana
Here is our church, isn't it pretty?
 As always when we have guests, some touristy attractions were visited, and we learned even more about the country we live in.  In the photo below, we are touring the Cardinal Brewery Museum in Fribourg.  The great grandson of the founder of the brewery gave us an excellent impromptu tour!  Swiss people rock!
After all of that nice man's kindness, Robert still tried to steal a keg.  Tsk tsk.

We also visited the beautiful  St.Petersinsel, for a fine day of walking, a nice restaurant visit and more walking since we missed the last boat home.  Daniel and Robert biked there from home, with loads of technical problems such as 3 flat tires.  Hurrah!
Here is Eva on St. Petersinsel showing that biking is not so hard

Robert and Carla had a very amazing experience paragliding in interlaken. I am jealous, because I don't quite have it in me to do this, but it looks awesome!

Having a blast with Mickey
Here I am, feet firmly on the ground with my little treasure.  Giving birth to her was all the thrills I needed for one year!

Emma meeting Tschomana for the first time

Eva very excited to see her Tschomana
Bye Tschomana!
I love smiling.  It's my favorite :)

This is how my husband looks when he comes home from mountain biking.  There is horse poo on those trails.  He gets his welcome home kiss after he showers :)


Loving sisters
 We also visited the Muenster church in our town.  It is beautiful!  Robert was especially interested in the pipe organ, and even bought some original pipes for fun at home annoying the cats and wife :)

1 comment:

  1. Hallo Vanessa + Co.: Wieder eine sehr schöne Folge Deines Blogs. Diesmal bin ich sogar dabei, und die Fotos bringen schöne Erinnerungen an die Zeit mit Euch, die ich sehr genossen habe. Ich werde mir diese Folge noch öfter ansehen! Tschomana
